Journal Publications

Biodegradable Plastic Mulch

  • Bailes, G., M. Lind, A. Ely, M. Powell, J. Moore-Kucera, C. A. Miles, D. A. Inglis, and M. Brodhagen. 2013. Isolation of native soil microorganisms with potential for breaking down biodegradable plastic films used in agriculture. J. Vis. Exp. (75), e50373, doi:10.3791/50373.
  • Brodhagen, M., M. Peyron, C. A. Miles, and D. A. Inglis. 2015. Biodegradable plastic agricultural mulches and key features of microbial degradation. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 99:1039-1056.
    doi: 10.1007/s00253-014-6267-5.
  • Brodhagen, M., J. R. Goldberger, D. G. Hayes, D. A. Inglis, T. L. Marsh, and C. A. Miles. 2017. Policy considerations for limiting unintended residual plastic in agricultural soils.
    Environ. Sci. Policy, 69:81-84.
  • Corbin, A. T., C. A. Miles, J. S. Cowan, D. G. Hayes, J. Moore-Kucera, and D. A. Inglis. 2013. Current and future prospects for biodegradable plastic mulch in certified organic production Systems.
  • Cowan, J. S., D. A. Inglis, and C. A. Miles. 2013. Deterioration of three potentially biodegradable plastic mulches before and after soil incorporation in a broccoli field production system in Northwestern Washington. HortTech. 23:849-858.
  • Cowan, J. S., C. A. Miles, P. K. Andrews, and D. A. Inglis. 2014. Biodegradable mulch performed comparable to polyethylene in high tunnel tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) production. J. Sci. Food Agric. 94:1854-1864. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.6504.
  • Cowan, J. S., A. Saxton, H. Liu, K. Leonas, D. A. Inglis, and C. A. Miles. 2016. Visual assessments of biodegradable mulch deterioration are not indicative of mulch degradation. HortSci. 51:245-254.
  • DeVetter, L.W., H. Zhang, S. Ghimire, S. Watkinson, and C. A. Miles. 2017. Plastic biodegradable mulches reduce weeds and promote crop growth in day-neutral strawberry in western Washington. HortScience 52:1700-1706.
  • Ghimire, S., A. Saxton, A. L. Wszelaki, J. C. Moore, and C. A. Miles. 2017. Reliability of soil sampling method to assess visible biodegradable mulch fragments remaining in the field post soil-incorporation. HortTechnology: 27:650-658.
  • Ghimire, S., A. L. Wszelaki, J. C. Moore, D. A. Inglis, and C. A. Miles. 2018. The use of biodegradable mulches in pie pumpkin crop production in two diverse climates. HortScience 53:288-294.
  • Ghimire, S., E. J. Scheenstra, and C. A. Miles. 2020. Soil-biodegradable mulches for growth and yield of sweet corn in Mediterranean-type climate. HortScience 55:317-325.
  • Ghimire, S., M. Flury, E. J. Scheenstra, and C. A. Miles. 2020. Sampling and degradation of biodegradable plastic and paper mulches in field after tillage incorporation.
    Science of the Total Environment 703:135577.
  • Goldberger, J. R., R. E. Jones, C. A. Miles, R. W. Wallace, and D. A. Inglis. 2015. Barriers and bridges to the adoption of biodegradable plastic mulches for U.S. specialty crop production. Renew. Agr. Food Syst. 30(2):143-153. doi:10.1017/S1742170513000276.
  • Griffin-LaHue, D., S. Ghimire, Y. Yu, E. Scheenstra, C. Miles, and M. Flury. 2022. In-field degradation of soil-biodegradable plastic mulch films in a Mediterranean climate. Science of the Total Environment. 806(1):150238.
  • Li C., J. Moore-Kucera, J. Lee, A. Corbin, M. Brodhagen, C. A. Miles, and D. A. Inglis. 2014. Degradation of potentially biodegradable plastic mulch films at three diverse U.S. locations. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 38(7): doi 10.1080/21683565.2014.884515.
  • Li C., J. Moore-Kucera, J. Lee, A. Corbin, M. Brodhagen, C. A. Miles, and D. A. Inglis. 2014. Effects of biodegradable mulch on soil quality. Applied Soil Ecology 79:59-69.
  • Miles, C. A., R. W. Wallace, A. L. Wszelaki, J. Martin, J. Cowan, T. Walters, and D. A. Inglis. 2012. Deterioration of potentially biodegradable alternatives to black plastic mulch in three tomato production regions. HortSci. 47:1270-1277.
  • Miles, C. A., L. W. DeVetter, S. Ghimire, and D. G. Hayes. 2017. Suitability of biodegradable plastic mulches for organic and sustainable agricultural production systems. HortSci. 52:10-15.
  • Moore-Kucera, J., S. B. Cox, M. Peyron, G. Bailes, K. Kinloch, K. Karich, C. A. Miles, D.A. Inglis, and M.  Brodhagen. 2014. Native soil fungi associated with compostable plastics in three contrasting agricultural settings. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 98:6467-6485. doi 10.1007/s00253-014-5711-x.
  • Pannell, S. D., C. A. Miles, A. M. Saxton, and D. A. Inglis. 2013. Evaluation of degradable spun-melt 100% polylactic acid nonwoven mulch materials in a greenhouse environment. J. of Eng. Fibers and Fabrics 8(4):50-59.
  • Saglam, M., H. Y. Sintim, A. I. Bary, C. A. Miles, S. Ghimire, D. A. Inglis, and M. Flury. 2017. Modeling the effect of biodegradable paper and plastic mulch on soil moisture dynamics. Agric. Water Manage. 193:240-250.
  • Sintim, H., S. Bandopadhyay, M. English, A. Bary, J. DeBruyn, S. Schaeffer, C. A. Miles, J. Reganold, and M. Flury. 2019. Impacts of biodegradable plastic mulches on soil health. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 273:36-49.
  • Sintim, H. Y., S. Bandopadhyay, M. E. English, A. I. Bary, J. E. Liquet y González, J. M. DeBruyn, S. M. Schaeffer, C. A. Miles, and M. Flury. 2020. Four Years of continuous use of soil-biodegradable plastic mulch: impact on soil and groundwater quality. Geoderma 381:114665.
  • Sintim, H. Y., A. I. Bary, D. Hayes, M. E. English, S. M. Schaeffer, C. A. Miles, A. Zelenyuk, K. Suski, and M. Flury. 2019. Release of micro- and nanoparticles from biodegradable plastic during in situ composting. System for Science of the Total Environment 675:686–693.
  • Zhang, H., C. A. Miles, S. Ghimire, C. A. Benedict, I. Zasada, and L.W. DeVetter. 2019. Polyethylene and biodegradable plastic mulches improve growth, yield, and weed management in floricane red raspberry. Sci. Hort. 250:371-379.
  • Zhang, H., C. A. Miles, M. Flury, H. Liu, and L.W. DeVetter. 2020. Soil-biodegradable plastic mulches undergo minimal in-soil degradation in a perennial raspberry system after 18 months. Horticulturae 6(3):47.
  • Zhang, H., L. W. DeVetter, E. J. Scheenstra, and C. A. Miles. 2020. Weed pressure, yield, and adhesion of soil-biodegradable mulches with pie pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo). HortScience 55:1014-1021.
  • Zhang, H., C. A. Miles, S. Ghimire, C. A. Benedict, I. Zasada, H. Liu, and L.W. DeVetter. 2020. Plastic mulches improved plant growth and suppressed weeds in late summer-planted floricane-fruiting raspberry. HortScience 55:565 572.
  • Zhang, H., C. A. Miles, B. Gerdeman, D. G, LaHue, and L. W. DeVetter. 2021. Plastic mulch use in perennial fruit cropping systems – A review. Scientia Horticulturae in press.

Cider Apples

  • Alexander, T. R., J. King, A. Zimmerman, and C. A. Miles. 2016. Regional variation in juice quality characteristics of four cider apple (Malus ×domestica Borkh.) cultivars in northwest and central Washington. HortScience 51:1498-1502.
  • Alexander, T. R., J. King, E. J. Scheenstra, and C.A. Miles. 2016. Yield, fruit damage, yield loss and juice quality characteristics of machine and hand harvested ‘Brown Snout’ specialty cider apple stored at ambient conditions in northwest Washington. HortTech. 26:614-619.
  • Alexander, T. R., C. F. Ross, E. A. Walsh, and C. A. Miles. 2018. Sensory comparison of ciders produced from machine- and hand-harvested ‘Brown Snout’ specialty cider apples stored at ambient conditions in Northwest Washington. HortTechnology 28:35-43.
  • Alexander, T. R., T. S. Collins and C. A. Miles. 2019. Comparison of the phenolic profiles of juice and cider derived from machine- and hand-harvested ‘Brown Snout’ specialty cider apples in northwest Washington. HortTechnology 29:423-433.
  • Galinato, S., A. Kendall, and C. Miles. 2022. Costs and Profitability for Mechanized Pruning and Harvest in Two Cider Apple Orchard Systems. HortTechnology 32: 275-287.
  • Garton, W. J., L. W. DeVetter, M. Mazzola, and C. A. Miles. 2018. A review of Neofabraea malicorticis biology and management of anthracnose canker in apple orchards in the maritime Pacific Northwest. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 72:113-121.
  • Garton, W. J., M. Mazzola, N. Dasgupta , T. R. Alexander, and C. A. Miles. 2018. Efficacy of excision, cauterization, and fungicides for management of apple anthracnose canker in maritime climate. HortTechnology 28:728-736.
  • Garton, W. J., M. Mazzola, T. R. Alexander, and C. A. Miles. 2019. Efficacy of fungicide treatments for control of anthracnose canker in young cider apple trees in western Washington.  HortTechnology 29:35-40.
  • Kendall, A., C.A. Miles, T.R. Alexander, E. Scheenstra, and G.T. LaHue. 2022. Reduced irrigation conserves water and maintains yield for three cider apple (Malusdomestica Borkh.) cultivars. HortTech, 57(1):118-125.
  • Kendall, A., T. Alexander, G. LaHue, and C. Miles. 2022. Summer Mechanical Hedging to Prune Eight Cider Apple Cultivars. HortTechnology 32: 313-320.
  • Miles, C. A. and J. King. 2014. Yield, labor, and fruit and juice quality characteristics of machine and hand-harvested ‘Brown Snout’ specialty cider apple. HortTech. 24:519-526.
  • Miles, C. A., J. King, T. R. Alexander and E. J. Scheenstra. 2017. Evaluation of flower, fruit, and juice characteristics of a multinational collection of cider apple cultivars grown in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. HortTech 27:431-439.
  • Miles, C. A., T. R. Alexander, G. Peck, S. P. Galinato, C. Gottschalk, and S. van Nocker. 2020. Growing apples for hard cider production in the U.S. – trends and research opportunities. HortTechnology 30:148-155.
  • Peck, G., C. A. Miles, J. King, T. Bradshaw, N. Rothwell, and I. Merwin. 2014. An introduction to hard cider in the U.S.
  • Peck, G., and C. A. Miles. 2015. Assessing the production scale and research and extension needs of U.S. hard cider producers. J. of Ext. 53(5): Article 5FEA10 (PDF).
  • Tozer, P., S. P. Galinato, C. F. Ross, C. A. Miles, and J. McCluskey. 2015. Sensory analysis and willingness to pay for craft cider. J. Wine Eco. 30:314-328.

Diseases First Reports

  • Powell, M., B. Gundersen, C. A. Miles, K. Coats, and D. A. Inglis. 2013. First report of Verticillium wilt on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in Washington caused by V. tricorpus. Plant Dis. 97:996.
  • Powell, M., B. Gundersen, C. A. Miles, J. L. Humann, B. K. Schroeder, and D. A. Inglis. 2013. First report of tomato pith necrosis (Pseudomonas corrugata Roberts & Scarlett) on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill) in Washington. Plant Dis. 97:1381.

Dry Beans

  • Brouwer, B., L. Winkler, J, K. Atterberry, S. Jones, and C. A. Miles. 2016. Exploring the role of local heirloom germplasm in expanding western Washington dry bean production. Agroecol. Sust. Food Syst. 40:319-332, DOI:10.1080/21683565.2015.1138013.
  • Masangano, C. M., and C. A. Miles. 2004. Factors influencing farmer’s adoption of Kalima bean (Phaseolous vulgaris, L.) variety in Malawi. J. Sust. Ag. 24:117-129.
  • Miles, C. A., K. Atterberry, and B. O. Brouwer. 2015. Performance of Northwest Washington heirloom dry bean varieties in organic production. Agronomy 5:491-505. doi:10.3390/agronomy5040491.
  • Mwale, V. M., J. M. Bokosi, C. M. Masangano, M. B. Kwapata, V. H. Kabambe, and C. A. Miles. 2008. Yield performance of dwarf bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) lines under Researcher Designed Farmer Managed (RDFM) system in three bean agro-ecological zones of Malawi. African J. Biotech. 7:2847-2853.
  • Mwale, V. M., J. M. Bokosi, C. M. Masangano, M. B. Kwapata, V. H. Kabambe, and C. A. Miles. 2009. Performance of climber common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) lines under Researcher Designed Farmer Managed (RDFM) system in three bean agro-ecological zones of Malawi. African J. Biotech. 8:2460-2468.
  • Smith, D. k., L.A. Riddle, K.A. Atterberry, S. Kerr, and C. A. Miles. 2016. Barriers and opportunities to serving pulses in school meals in Washington schools. J. Child Nutr. Manag. 40(1).
  • Smith, D. K., B. Mandal, M. L. Wallace, L. A. Riddle, S. Kerr, K. A. Atterberry, and C. A. Miles. 2016. Exploring pulses through math, science and nutrition activities. J. Child Nutr. Manag. 40(1).

High Tunnel Production Systems 

  • Belasco, E., S. P. Galinato, T. Marsh, C. A. Miles, and R. W. Wallace. 2013. High tunnels are my crop insurance: An assessment of risk management tools for small-scale specialty crop producers. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 42: 403-418.
  • Borrelli, K., R. T. Koenig, B. M. Jaeckel, and C. A. Miles. 2013. Yield of leafy greens in high tunnel winter production in the northwest United States. HortSci. 48:183-188.
  • Galinato, S. P., and C. A. Miles. 2013. Economic profitability of growing lettuce and tomato in western Washington under high tunnel and open-field production systems. HortTech. 23:453-461.
  • Inglis, D. A., B. Gundersen., J. Roozen, J. S. Cowan, M. Powell, and C. A. Miles. 2012. Evaluation of physiological leaf roll on tomato cultivars in a high tunnel production system, 2011. Plant Dis. Manage Rep. 6:V155.
  • Inglis, D. A., B. Gundersen, C. A. Miles, J. Roozen, R. W. Wallace, A. L. Wszelaki, and T. Walters. 2011. Evaluation of late blight on tomato cultivars grown in high tunnel vs. open field plots, 2010. Plant Dis. Manage Rep. 5:VO71.
  • Inglis, D. A., B. Gundersen, C. A. Miles, J. Roozen, R. W. Wallace, A. L. Wszelaki, T. Walters, and M. Evans.  2011. Evaluation of physiological leaf roll on tomato cultivars in a high tunnel production system, 2010. Plant Dis. Manage Rep. 5: VO72.
  • Inglis, D. A., B. Gundersen, C. A. Miles, J. Roozen, R. W. Wallace, A. L. Wszelaki, and T. Walters. 2011. Evaluation of gray mold and Verticillium wilt on strawberry cultivars grown in high tunnel vs. open field environments, 2010.  Plant Dis. Manage Rep. 5: SMF047.
  • Inglis, D. A., B. Gundersen, C. A. Miles, T. Walters, and J. Roozen. 2009. Control of late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans on tomato cultivars using a high tunnel system, 2008. Plant Dis. Manage Rep. 2:V057.
  • Miles, C. A., D. A. Inglis, B. Gundersen, P. Kreider, J. Roozen, B. Horneburg, and D. Panthee. 2010. Evaluation of late blight on tomato cultivars grown in the field, 2009. Plant Dis. Manage Rep. 4:V126.
  • Powell, M., J. S. Cowan, C. A. Miles, and D. A. Inglis. 2013. Effect of a high tunnel, organic cropping system on lettuce diseases in Western Washington. Online. Plant Health Progress. doi:10.1094/PHP-2013-0922-01-RS.
  • Powell, M., B. Gunderson, J. S. Cowan, C. A. Miles, and D. A. Inglis. 2014. The Effect of open-ended high tunnels in western Washington on late blight and physiological leaf roll among five tomato cultivars. Plant Dis. 98:1639-1647.
  • Wallace, R. W., A. L. Wszelaki, C. A. Miles, J. S. Cowan, J. Martin, J. Roozen, B. Gunderson, and D. Inglis. 2012. Lettuce yield in high tunnels and open-field production systems under three diverse climates. HortTech. 22:659-668.

Leafy Greens

  • Barickman, T. C., W. L. Sublett, C. A. Miles, D. Crow, and E. J. Scheenstra. 2018. Lettuce biomass accumulation and phytonutrient concentrations are influenced by genotype, N application rate and location. Horticulturae 4(12).
  • Cummings, J. A., Miles, C. A., and du Toit, L. J. 2009. Greenhouse evaluation of seed and drench treatments for organic management of seedling blight pathogens of spinach. Plant Dis. 93:1281-1292.
  • Grahn, C., C. A. Benedict, T. Thornton, and C. A. Miles. 2015. Production of baby-leaf salad greens in the spring and fall seasons of northwest Washington. HortSci. 50:1467-1471.
  • Grahn, C., B. Hellier, C. A. Benedict, and C. A. Miles. 2015. Screening USDA Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) germplasm for ability to germinate under cold conditions. HortSci. 50:1155-1159.
  • Ingle, H., R. T. Koenig, C. A. Miles, T. C. Koenig, and M. G. Karlsson. 2010. Diurnal fluctuation in tissue nitrate concentration of field-grown leafy greens at two latitudes. HortSci. 45:1815-1818.
  • Ott, K. A., R. T. Koenig, and C.A. Miles. 2008. Influence of plant part on nitrate concentration in leafy greens. Intl. J. Veg. Sci. 14:351-361.
  • Ott, K. A., R. T. Koenig, and C. A. Miles. 2009. Methods comparison for measuring tissue nitrate in leafy green vegetables. HortTech. 19:439-444.


  • Cummings, J. A., du Toit, L.J., and C. A. Miles. 2008. Evaluation of seed and drench treatments for organic management of soilborne diseases of spinach in western WA. Plant Dis. Manage Rep. 2:V134.
  • Olmstead, M., T. W. Miller, C. S. Bolton, and C. A. Miles. 2012. Weed control in a newly established organic vineyard. HortTech. 22:757-765.
  • Miles, C. A., J. Roozen, E. Maynard, and T. Coolong. 2010. Fertigation in organic vegetable production systems.

Vegetable Grafting

  • Attavar, A.S., and C. A. Miles. 2021. Resistance of eggplant grafted onto commercial Solanaceae rootstocks against Verticillium dahliae. II International Vegetable Grafting Symposium. Acta Hortic. 1302:147-154.
  • Attavar, A. S., and C. A. Miles. 2021. Screening World Vegetable Center eggplant and pepper rootstocks for resistance to Verticillium wilt. II International Vegetable Grafting Symposium. Acta Hortic. 1302:155-162.
  • Attavar, A. S., L. Tymon, P. Perkins-Veazie, and C. A. Miles. 2020. Cucurbitaceae germplasm resistance to verticillium wilt and grafting compatibility with watermelon. HortScience 55:141-148.
  • Buajaila, F., J. S. Cowan, D. A. Inglis, L. Carpenter-Boggs, and C. A. Miles. 2021. Tomato growth, yield and quality response to mixed chemical-organic fertilizers and grafting treatments in high tunnel environment. Canadian Journal of Plant Science.
  • Buajaila, F., P. Devi, and C. A. Miles. 2018. Effect of environment on survival of eggplant, pepper and tomato in a small-scale healing chamber. HortTechnology 28:668-675.
  • Buller, S., D. A. Inglis, and C. A. Miles. 2013. Plant growth, fruit yield and quality, and tolerance to Verticillium wilt of grafted watermelon and tomato in field production in the Pacific Northwest. HortSci. 48:1003-1009.
  • Dabirian, S., and C. A. Miles. 2017. Antitranspirant application increases grafting success of watermelon. HortTech 27:494-501 doi:10.21273/HORTTECH03739-17.
  • Dabirian, S., and C. A. Miles. 2017. Increasing survival of grafted watermelon seedlings using a sucrose application. HortSci. 52:579–583. 2017. doi: 10.21273/HORTSCI11667-16.
  • Dabirian, S., D. A. Inglis, and C. A. Miles. 2017. Grafting watermelon and using plastic mulch to control Verticillium wilt caused by Verticillium dahliae in Washington. HortSci. 52:349–356. 2017. doi: 10.21273/HORTSCI11403-16.
  • Devi, P., L.W. DeVetter, S. Lukas, and C. Miles. 2021. Exogenous treatments to enhance splice-grafted watermelon survival. Horticulturae 7(7):197.
  • Devi, P., and C. A. Miles. 2021. Increasing survival and efficacy of splice-grafted watermelon using sucrose and antitranspirant. II International Vegetable Grafting Symposium. Acta Hortic. 1302:73-78.
  • Devi, P., S. Lukas and C. A. Miles. 2020. Fruit maturity and quality of splice-grafted and  one-cotyledon grafted watermelon. HortScience 55:1090-1098.
  • Devi, P., S. Lukas, and C. A. Miles. 2020. Advances in watermelon grafting to increase efficiency and automation. Horticulturae 6(4):88.
  • Devi, P., P. Perkins-Veazie, and C. A. Miles. 2020. Rootstock and plastic mulch effect on watermelon flowering and fruit maturity in a Verticillium dahliae infested field. HortScience 55:1438-1445.
  • Devi, P., P. Perkins-Veazie, and C. A. Miles. 2020. Impact of grafting on watermelon fruit maturity and quality. Horticulturae 6(4):97.
  • Devi, P., L. Tymon, A. Keinath, and C. A. Miles. 2021. Progress in grafting watermelon to manage Verticillium wilt. Plant Pathology, 767-777.
  • Johnson, S., D. A. Inglis, and C. A. Miles. 2013. Grafting effects on eggplant growth, yield and verticillium wilt incidence. Intl. J. Veg. Sci. doi:10.1080/1915269.2012.751473.
  • Johnson, S., C. A. Miles, and D. A. Inglis. 2013. First report of Verticillium wilt caused by V. dahliae on grafted Solanum aethiopicum in Washington. Plant Dis. 97:840.
  • Johnson, S., and C. A. Miles. 2011. Effect of healing chamber design on the survival of grafted eggplant, watermelon, and tomato. HortTech. 21:752-758.
  • Miles, C. A., J. Wimer, and D. A. Inglis. 2015. Grafting eggplant and tomato for Verticillium wilt resistance. ActaHort 1086:113-117.


  • Benedict, C. A., A. T. Corbin, J. H. Harrison, and C. A. Miles. 2015. Case study: Alternative fodder crops for livestock feed in western Washington. The Professional Animal Scientist 31:80-87.
  • Cowan, J. S., J. R. Goldberger, C. A. Miles, and D. A. Inglis. 2015. Creating tactile space during a university extension field day event: the case of a sustainable agriculture innovation. Rural Soc. 80:456-482 DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12073.
  • Miles, C. A. 2000. The development of a research and extension program for sustainable agriculture in western Washington. HortTech. 10:882-886.
  • Miles, C. A., and D. G. Alleman. 2001. Promoting and marketing Asian crops. HortTech. 11:23-25.
  • Miles, C. A., T. S. Collins, Y. Mu, and. T. R. Alexander. 2019. Identifying bulb fennel cultivars suitable for production in the northwest United States. HortTechnology 29:496-506.
  • Taylor, M., D. Young, and C. A. Miles. 2010. Direct marketing alternatives in an urban setting: A case study of Seattle Youth Garden Works. J. Nat. Res. Life Sci. Ed. 39:165-172.

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